Monday 24 March 2008

Langkawi - A beautiful Island In Malaysia

Our backpack is finally on the move again!

After our ROM on Friday, Pei and I took a Silkair flight on Saturday for a short getaway trip to Langkawi. Boy, after months of preparation, we are finally one step closer to a massage session and soaking up the sun at the beach.

We stayed at City Bayview hotel, which was a mistake, but not so much of a mistake. The hotel was not even near a beach, though the Singapore agent told us there's one. Or rather, there used to be a beach, but there are some reclamation works going on there. We later found out that the beach is about 40 mins drive away. So, there's no beach for us to laze around in the end. However, we were compensated with a super huge suite big enough for 10 people to sleep in.

Of course, photos...

Langkawi, I will be back... =)